“I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NKJV
It is difficult to see in the dark. It is hard to recognize what things are really like in the dark. The size and shape of things are distorted and hidden by the darkness. It is difficult to determine exactly where we are in the dark. It is hard to know the right way to go in the dark. In the dark everything real is hidden from view. In the dark, it is easy to become disoriented and confused. To navigate and function in the dark we must have light.
From the moment that sin entered our world, it has been shrouded in darkness. (Gen.3). Our world is plagued by darkness. And it is growing darker. But when Jesus made His entrance into our world, His Light illuminated the darkness. Through the Light of His Person and the illumination of His Word, for the very first time, men were able to see through the darkness! Jesus is indeed The Light of the World. His Light has overcome the darkness. That Light still shines today! It will shine throughout eternity! (Rev. 21:23). It will never be extinguished! (John 1: 4-5).
Because of His Light, we can now see what was hidden before. His Light enables us to know who we really are! His Light enables us to know where we are. And His Light enables us to see and know where we are going. His light enables us to see and to know what is real and what is true. And His Light enables us to know what is not.
Because He is the Light, we are now the children of Light! (1 John 1: 5-7). His Light illuminates our lives and illuminates our path. Because He is the Light, we do not have to fear the darkness. All we have to do is to follow Him and we will be able to see everything clearly.
James W. Black