“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36 KJV).
It is important for us in the Body of Christ to be reminded of the fact that through the love of Christ that was demonstrated on the cross and the power of His Mighty resurrection from the dead, we have been delivered from the wrath of God!
In John 3:36 Jesus declared that “he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth upon him.” When we were outside of Christ we were the “children of wrath.” (Eph. 2:3). In other words, were under the judgment of a Holy God. God is so holy that by His very nature He is required to pour out his complete judgment upon sin (of any kind). But Jesus took our place upon the cross. There our sin was placed upon Him! And the full weight of God’s Holy wrath was poured out upon Him instead of us! Then He offers to anyone who will personally accept and receive what He alone has done for them, total forgiveness and deliverance from the wrath of God!
That is the good news of the Gospel! Because of our sin, we were all under the judgment and the wrath of a Holy God. But now, because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus, we have been completely forgiven and delivered from that wrath! (Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9).
The revelation and the understanding of that truth should cause us to humble ourselves in love, adoration and worship before Him! Each time we gather as the redeemed of God we are celebrating our deliverance! That is why we gather. That is why genuine worship is filled with humility, awe, wonder and unspeakable joy! The amazement of being loved, forgiven and delivered from the wrath of God should cause us to be grateful and desire to worship Him with abandon!
James W. Black