The Invitation  To Follow

The Invitation  To Follow

“As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office.  And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’  So he arose and followed Him.”

Matthew 9:9 NKJV

Matthew was a tax collector.  Tax collectors were viewed by the Jews as traitors because they worked for the Romans. Most tax collectors gouged the people.  The Romans had a set amount for the taxes that were required.  Goods were taxed and individuals were taxed.  The tax collectors were appointed by the local governor in the region. Those positions were often bought and sold because they were so lucrative.  It was not unusual for the governor or local magistrate to get a small percentage (under the table) over and above what was required. This actually amounted to a fee (or bribe) for being appointed to the position.   The tax collector would then add his own percentage to the tax amount raising the taxes even higher.  It is easy to see how greed and corruption flourished.  Consequently, the tax collectors became quite wealthy. They were shunned by most of the Jewish population. 

Jesus encountered Matthew sitting at his tax collecting booth.  Jesus looked at him and said, “Follow Me.” No doubt, Matthew had already heard of Jesus. It is possible that he had also witnessed some of His miracles.  When Jesus looked at him and spoke to him personally, everything changed. The eyes of Jesus pierced his soul. His words gripped his heart!  Matthew saw himself in the light of His holiness! And yet at the same time, he experienced His overwhelming love! 

In a moment of time, Matthew went from being despised, hated, and rejected to being unconditionally loved!   As a result, he left everything and followed Jesus!   

That is what happens when we truly see Jesus for who He really is!  His love touches us at the very core of our being.  It transforms us and motivates us to leave everything in our past and follow Him!   In reality, there is no other way to follow Him! 

James W. Black