“What is man that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.”
Psalm 8: 4-5 KJV
Have you ever thought about the glory that God gave to man? It is first mentioned in Gen. 1:26. The glory of man is that he is made in the image of God! Think of that! Man was created to be the highest expression of God in the earth! It was God’s intention, from the very beginning, that the character and nature of God would be expressed in the earth through the life of man! Therefore, man’s glory would be a reflection of God’s glory being manifested in and through him!
When man sinned against God through willful disobedience, the Light of God’s glory which flowed from within the spirit of man was extinguished. Instead of being guided by the Light of God, man would now be living and walking in the darkness of sin. Instead of man being a reflection of God’s glory, man would now reflect the nature of the evil one! (John 8:44).
But through the power of the cross and the mighty resurrection of Jesus, that glory has been restored! (Col. 1:27). Through the New Birth (John 3:16), the Light of God’s glory now illuminates our once darkened spirit and we are able to see and walk in His Light! We can once again express the image of God in the earth!
While we may not always express it perfectly (because we have not yet been perfected), we have been re-commissioned to be the expression of God in the earth once again. Just as Jesus came to make the Father visible (Col.1:15), we are now called to make Jesus visible! What a calling! What a mystery! What a glorious thing this is! May we continually yield to Him and seek to be the fullest expression of Him we can be!
Rev. James W. Black