Tag: Bible

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

Our View of God’s Word Determines Our Walk

“Hear ye the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at His word…”

Isaiah 66:5

The Word of  God is alive and powerful (Heb.4:12). It is the Word of God that reveals God to us. (Col. 1:15). It is the Word of God that reveals to us the Truth about God (Isaiah 45:22) and the truth about ourselves. (Jer. 17:9).  It is the Word of God that reveals our need for salvation (Rom. 3:23).   And it is the Word of God that reveals to us the only provision for salvation. (Acts 4:12).  It is the Word of God that reveals our continual dependency upon Him. (John 15:5).

God Himself highly esteems His Word. He magnifies  His Word even above His own name! (Psalm 138:2). Therefore, if God has such a high regard for His Word, shouldn’t we?

When the Lord Jesus redeems us He calls us to follow Him.   It is the Word of God that instructs us how to follow.  When the Lord redeems us He calls us to a life of obedience.  What He calls us to obey is His Word.   We must learn to conform to the Word of God.  The Word of God does not conform to us! (Rom. 12:1). He has not called us to follow our feelings, our emotions, our ideas, or what the culture at large may be saying. No. He calls us to obey His Word. It is the Word of God that instructs us as to how we can successfully and joyfully navigate the maze of life.  It is in obedience to the Word that we discover the reality of Christ and the power of His Word in our daily life.  It is when we walk in obedience to the Word that we discover the adventure and the joy of following Christ.   

When the Lord speaks, He speaks through His Word.  Anything that He speaks can be confirmed by His Word!  That is how we know that what we hear is from God because The Holy Spirit will bear witness to what is spoken through the Word of God.  God will never speak anything that contradicts  His Word.  (Rom.8:14).

Therefore, if one has a low regard for the Word of God; if one does not treasure the Word, read the Word, and tremble at His Word; if one is not interested in learning and discovering the the power of the Word, that might explain why so many who profess Christ, do not really follow Christ.  For the genuine follower of Christ, obedience to the Word is not optional.  As Jesus honored the Word, so do His followers.

Rev. James W. Black

God’s View of His Word

God’s View of His Word

“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth; for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

Psalm 138:2 KJV

We know that the Name of the Lord is Holy.  His Name is to be honored and revered. It is not to be taken, lightly, casually, or flippantly.  It is not to be degraded or profaned in any way. His name is to be exalted and magnified.  (Exodus 20:7).  God’s Name is the revelation of His character and His nature.  His Name is the expression of Who He is!  

If God’s Name is to be so honored and revered,  then what does God think of His Word?  The scripture declares that God has magnified His Word even above His Name! Just as God is Holy and His Name  Holy, His Word is also Holy! God’s Word is the expression of His will and purpose.  Through the Word He reveals Himself.  Through the Word, He reveals His love for us.  Through the Word, He declares and affirms His mighty power both in creation and in His dealing with mankind.  Through the Word, He reveals his great salvation!  

It is through the Word that we come to know Him.  And it is through the Word that we learn to live and walk with Him. It is through the Word that we discover our identity.   It is through the Word that we discover our purpose and destiny.  It is through the Word that we know of the reality of our future. 

God’s Word has never failed. Whatever He has said has and will come to pass.  If God ever said anything that failed to come to pass, then God would cease to be God!  God and His Word are inseparable.  That is why the evil one continually attacks the Word of God.  That is why he seeks to cause people to doubt the Word of God.  He knows far better than we do the power, the reliability, the integrity, and the veracity of the Word of God!  

If God has such a high view of His Word, should we not also value it, treasure it, read it, apply it, and follow it?  Let us resolve to have the same honor and reverence for God’s Word as He does!  If we do, we will be continually conformed to His image!  For it is His Word, both living and written that changes us! 

Rev. James Black

The Eternity of the Word of God

The Eternity of the Word of God

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8 NKJV

One thing that scripture affirms again and again is that the Word of God is eternal! Before there was anything, there was The Word of God (John 1:1). Before the universe and the world was ever created there was the Word of God. Before there was ever a written document, the Bible, there was the Word. The scripture informs us that this Word is a Person! And that this Person is God! (John 1:1). God Himself is eternal.
“From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” (Psalm 90:2 NKV). Therefore, the Word, who is God, is eternal!

This Word, which spoke everything into existence (Gen. 1:3), is revealed in the written Word. This written Word was spoken by the same Spirit who created all things (John 1:3). This Word stepped out of eternity into time and became clothed in human flesh (John 1:14). And for the first time, the invisible God became visible! (John 14:9, Col. 1:15). Each expression of the Word, The Spirit (John 4:4), the Written document (2 Tim. 3:16), and the Person [Jesus] (Heb. 1:3), all reveal and compliment the other. Thus the Word of God is both living and eternal and becomes the standard by and through which all things are understood and measured!

The Word of God has been attacked and ridiculed by so-called intellectuals. Dictators and tyrannical governments have sought to destroy it. But all of those who have sought to destroy it in the past are dead. And those who seek to destroy it now will experience the same fate! But the Word of God still lives. And it continues to live because it is eternal! This Living and Eternal Word produces New Life through the New Birth and guarantees eternal life to all who will receive it (John 3:16)!

Rev. James Black

The Value God Places Upon His Word

The Value God Places Upon His Word

In Psalm 138:2 the Bible says: “thou has magnified thy word above all thy name.”

The scripture makes it abundantly clear over and over again that the Lord’s Name is Holy (Exodus 20:7). His Name (in all of its varied forms) is to be honored and revered. It is not to be taken lightly. But as much as the Lord considers His Name to be Holy and Sacred, He honors His Word even more! He has exalted His Word even above His Name!

If the Holy One places such value upon His Word, how much more should we? We are so blessed in America with such an abundance of the Word available to us. There are multiple translations available (some better than others) that enable us to clearly read and understand His Word. In America no one is without excuse for having access to the Word of God. Most of us in the church have multiple Bibles.

But the question is, do we truly TREASURE the Word of God? Do we place a high value upon it? The greatest expression of value is to not only read it but to apply its truth to our lives and walk in it day by day. To not do so as Followers of Christ is to dishonor His Word.

James W. Black