“…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:24 NKJV).
Jesus declared that what we speak with our mouth reveals what is in our heart.
The words we speak reveal our likes and dislikes. Our words reveal what brings us joy and what brings us sorrow. Our words indicate our understanding or our lack of understanding. Our words reveal our hopes and dreams. Our words reveal our fears. Our words reveal our pain.If we have been deeply wounded or abused (in our childhood or in a bad marriage or through any number of other situations) those things will lodge in our heart and have a powerful impact on how we interpret and deal with life. That woundedness will express itself through our words. We may be suspicious, bitter, angry, resentful, vindictive, and controlling. We may (in self defense) attack another person with our words when put into an uncomfortable or difficult situation. Those words will simply pour out of us because they have become rooted in our heart through our own painful experiences.
Our words also reveal what is important to us. Our words reveal whether or not Jesus is real and precious to us. If He is precious to us, we will want to share with others about His reality and His goodness we have experienced. And we will want to encourage others to experience His reality as well.
Once we have received Christ into our heart, we must learn to surrender to the Holy Spirit Who is now resident within us and allow Him to fill our heart with His Truth and His reality. Christ changes our heart (2 Cor. 5:17) and he changes what is in our heart (Gal. 5: 22-25). Some things are changed instantly. Others are changed over time (John 8:31-32). But as we continue in His Word and continue in our fellowship with Him, He changes what is in our heart. His Word will heal our heart and begin to fill our heart. His life will begin to overflow our heart. It will always come out in our words. You do not have to be around a person very long to find out if they truly love Jesus! If they do, it will come out! You can hear in their words. And the reality of their words will be confirmed by their actions (James 2:18).
Jeans W. Black