“But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken to you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” (Matthew 22: 31-32 KJV).
When man chose to listen to the lies of the evil one instead of the Truth of God, sin and death entered into man and impacted everyone and everything. We are reminded of the reality of sin and evil every day in the news. And all of us have been impacted by the death of someone we loved and cared for. It is a reminder that everything the evil one touches produces death.
But through the finished work of Christ on the cross and the power of His mighty resurrection life was given to anyone who would receive it. What the Lord Jesus gives to us is His very own life! The promise of Jesus is “abundant life”. (John 10:10). The Greek word for life is “zoe” which means “a life that is filled with vitality.” (Renner, Sparkling Gems from the Greek page 548). It is literally the God kind of life! This life is present in all of those who have received His gift of grace, forgiveness, and eternal life. It is the Holy Spirit who releases the reality of this life in us! (Romans 8: 11-16).
What this tells us is that everyone who is in Christ is alive. (Rom. 6:11). And everyone who is not in Christ is still under the sentence of death. (John 3:36). Those who are alive in Christ are governed by the power of Christ. But those who are not in Christ are dead and are governed by the power of darkness. (Eph. 2:1).
Let us rejoice in the fact that Jesus is alive! And because He lives, we also live! Our God is the God of the living! Let us embrace His life and enjoy it! It is God’s gift to the redeemed, both now and for all eternity!