“You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
In every generation the darkness of evil has sought to be the dominant influence in the culture. It has been the calling of God’s people in every generation to engage the darkness and push it back by the power of the gospel; a gospel that is both proclaimed and lived out in the culture.
There have been times when the people of God have risen to the challenge. And there have been times when they have not. Whenever God’s people fail to meet the challenge, darkness fills the vacuum and began to permeate and corrupt everything. To those seeking to live out the life of Christ in the face of such darkness, the challenge can be intimidating! Imagine the challenge of our brothers and sisters in places like North Korea and Iran! And yet, the light of the gospel still shines in those places!
It is vitally important to remember that the Light of Christ is always greater than the darkness! There is no darkness that has the power to overcome that. Light. John 1:5 declares: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” (NLT).
The Light of the gospel of Christ impacts one life at a time. Transformation of the culture occurs one life at a time; one family at a time; one community at a time. The Light has a greater capacity to impact the culture than the darkness. We are not called to do everything. But each of us is called to do something. We can do what we can do right where we are; beginning in our family, in our workplace, in our neighborhood and in our community at large wherever that may be.
Therefore let us determine to be His instrument of light wherever He places us. We will be amazed at how people will be impacted by His Light if we merely allow it to shine through us!
Rev. James Black