“Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him; for there is more with us than with them. With him is an army of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles…”
2 Chronicles 32: 7-8 KJV
The nation of Judah was facing an impossible situation. The mighty Assyrian army was marching against them. The odds against them were enormous. Thus far, every nation in the path of the Assyrians had fallen. What could the tiny nation of Judah possibly do? Fortunately, at this time, Judah had a good king who knew exactly what to do. Instead of focusing on the Assyrians, the king, focused upon God! And he encouraged his people to do the same.
Hezekiah did not deny the reality of the situation. In the natural, the situation was dire! But his faith and confidence were not in his ability nor the ability of his people. His faith and confidence was in the Living God! The God who had created Israel and made a covenant with them would be their shield and their protection (Deut. 28: 7). Therefore, because Hezekiah knew the Lord and sought to serve and follow the Lord, he saw things from God’s perspective. He knew that they could trust the Lord to work on their behalf. He knew that the God they served was greater than all the powers arrayed against them. And because Hezekiah kept the right perspective and sought the face of the Lord, the Lord did fight on their behalf and their enemies were destroyed (2 Kings 19: 32-37 & 2 Chron. 32: 20-22).
Everyone faces difficult things in life from time to time. It is the result of living in a fallen, sin-cursed, and broken world. But the good news is that in all situations, because of Jesus, we have hope! Our confidence is in the Only One who has conquered death, hell, and the grave (Rev. 1:18). When we put our trust in the Lord and rivet our attention upon Him, we can then see things from God’s perspective. We can then remember that our life is in His hands. Our present is in His hands. Our future is in His hands. He is for us (Rom 8:31). He is with us (Matt 28:20). He will guide us (John 16:13). He will watch over us. And He will take care of us (1 Pet. 5:6-7). No matter what comes our way! He is the Great I Am (Ex. 3:14, John 8:58). And He is greater than anything that the powers of darkness can ever bring against us (1 John 4:4).
Rev. James W. Black