“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit in me.”
David was Israel’s greatest king. The Lord called him “a man after his own heart..”(1 Sam. 13:14). Because David’s heart was fixed upon the Lord, the Lord blessed him and used him powerfully to accomplish His divine purpose for Israel. The only battle that David ever lost was the battle within his own heart. The battle was not lost in the midst of great trial or conflict but rather in the midst of security, ease, and abundance. (2 Sam, 11).
Because of his success, he had become complacent in his relationship with the Lord. David had forgotten that all of his success and blessings were the result of God’s favor. He was so busy in his success that he failed to consider God in the day-to-day decisions of his life. (Deut. 6:10-13).
This man, who loved the Lord, allowed himself to be drawn into grievous sin! He failed to guard his heart. (Prov. 4:23). This happened because his spirit (his inner man – his heart) was not right with God. David was relying upon his own wisdom instead of the wisdom of God. (Prov. 16:25). After his great sin, he tried to ignore it, not realizing that he had deeply offended the Lord! (2 Sam. 11: 27). His intimate fellowship with God was broken!
Finally, God confronted David and publicly exposed his sin through Nathan the prophet. (2 Sam. 12:7). David’s heart was pierced! David knew that what the prophet had said to him was true! He could no longer try to hide it. Thankfully David’s heart was still tender enough to be broken! He remembered the sweet fellowship he once had with the Lord! He remembered that the greatest joy one can have in life is to live each day knowing that our heart is right with the Lord. In desperation, he cried out to the Lord in brokenness and repentance. He asked for mercy and forgiveness. David longed for his heart to be cleansed and renewed and to once again be right with the Lord! God heard David’s cry. He knew that David’s repentance was genuine and forgave him! (2 Sam. 12:13).
The good news of the Gospel is that what David experienced is now available to each of us through the Blood of Jesus! (1 John 1:9). May we seek to live each day with our heart being right with the Lord. There is no better way to live!
Rev. James W. Black