“And he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:43-44 NLT).
Jesus was observing people as they gave their offerings in the temple. Many who were wealthy were giving large sums. But this poor widow cast in two copper coins worth only a penny. That was quite a small sum compared to all the others. But in the eyes of the Lord, what she gave was of greater value than anyone else because she gave everything that she had.
Have you ever felt totally inadequate? Have you ever felt that your talents, gifts, and abilities were so small in comparison to others that what you do and what you give is irrelevant and won’t make any difference? Most everyone experiences this at one time or another. After all, our adversary is constantly reminding us of our inadequacy!
It is important to remember that the Lord is the One who created us! He is the One who has given us our abilities and resources. He does not expect us to measure ourselves against others. He simply wants us to offer unto Him that which we have. This widow gave more than anyone else because she gave everything that she had. She held nothing back.
Finding joy, fulfillment, and contentment in Christ, and in life, begins by offering unto Him everything that we have. In return, He offers unto us everything that He has! That is a great exchange! We become the greatest beneficiary! While all that we have is small in comparison to the Lord, what He gives in exchange is immense! We literally exchange our inadequacy for His adequacy! We exchange our weakness for His strength. We exchange our inability for His ability. (Phil. 4:13). The Lord takes that which is offered, and multiplies it and uses it for His glory! And what is done is far greater than anything we could have possibly accomplished on our own!
Rev. James W. Black