In the dark days of Zedekiah’s reign (the last King of Judah 597-586 BC), Jeremiah, the prophet, received a Word from the Lord while shut up in prison. The Word was a word of encouragement, as well as a word of judgment. In Jeremiah 33:3 the Lord invites His people to “call unto me and I will answer thee…”. Jeremiah prophesied that although Jerusalem and the nation of Judah will be destroyed because of their rebellion and sin, God would ultimately restore the nation and bring her the peace that she longed for.
In Jeremiah 33:15, the Lord promised to send “the Branch of righteousness” who will sit upon the throne of David and bring both righteousness and peace to the land. That “Branch of righteousness” is the Lord Jesus Himself, the Messiah. That Branch has now come and ultimately will be revealed to the people of Israel as the Lord has promised.
Everyone experiences dark days band dark moments in their lives. But if we will stand upon the Word of God and call unto Him, He (the Branch of righteousness) will come and bring peace to us in the midst of our darkness. As he has been faithful to Israel, He will be faithful unto us. Call unto Him and He will answer!