One of the greatest blessings of being a follower of Christ is the ASSURANCE the Father gives us about our relationship with Him. Romans 8:16 says that “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” (NKJV). In all the other religions of the world, no one can ever fully know or be sure of where they stand with God. But the joy that the followers of Christ have is that we can be sure!
That assurance is provided to us by The Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended back to heaven after the resurrection (Acts 1: 8-9) the Holy Spirit came to indwell or live inside of each believer in Christ (Acts 2:4). The Holy Spirit (God Himself) now lives in each of us and lets us know that we belong to Him. It is a KNOWING that we cannot describe or explain. But the reality of that “knowing” is demonstrated by a “change” in us (2 Corinthians 5:17).
We think differently. We view life differently. We have a whole new perspective on life and the human condition. We understand things we did not understand before. We have hope that we did not have before. Life has a purpose and meaning that it did not have before. For the first time, we understand and KNOW why we are here. And even more importantly, we know where we are going when we die! What a joy and what a blessing the Father has given to us in enabling us to know we belong to Him!