“…I came that they they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, til it overflows!).
In this passage, Jesus declared the reason for His coming. He came to give us life with such abundance that it overflows! But what does it mean to have life with abundance? To some, it means having plenty of everything (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, a job we enjoy) and enough resources to buy not only what we need but much of what we may want. To others, it means being healthy, being together with family, and being safe. And while many of these things are indeed necessary and important, having them does not ensure that our life is full and abundant. Many unredeemed and lost people have all of these things but do not have an abundant life.
What then is the abundant life? The Holy One gives us a number of promises that reveal to us exactly what it means. It means: 1. Joy (John 15:11); 2. Peace despite our circumstances (John 14: 27); 3. Contentment in life regardless of our station in life (Phil. 4:11); 4. Sufficiency (Phil. 4:19) and most importantly (5). Eternal Life both now and when this present life is over (John 11:25-26). To summarize, it simply means that In Christ we have all these things and more. (Matthew 6:33). They are abundant and literally inexhaustible!
When we realize that our enjoyment of life is not based upon the acquisition of things or even in being in the best circumstances, we are free to discover that our ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction in life is found in knowing and walking in Christ. It is in Christ that we discover our ultimate purpose and meaning! We were created to know Him and to fellowship with Him; the eternal God, King, and Lord of Glory! There is absolutely nothing greater or more fulfilling than that! And there is no one who can offer that to us except Christ!
Rev. James W. Black