Tag: faith

The Revelation of Jesus

The Revelation of Jesus

“And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost , that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” (Luke 2:26 KJV).

Simeon was a man who loved the Lord; a man whose heart was fixed upon the Lord (Luke 2:25).   He was an elderly man by this time in his life. For a long time he had been hoping to see  the Messiah, the Redeemer  that God had promised Israel (Isaiah 9:67, Isaiah 59:20).   But now that he was in the twilight years of his life that hope was beginning to fade.  Then, unexpectedly one day,  the Holy Spirit spoke to him and revealed unto him that he would not die until he had actually seen the Messiah with his own eyes!   It was an powerful and encouraging word.  His hope was renewed.  So he continued to wait and to look with expectancy. 

Then one  day, while he was still waiting, the Holy Spirit spoke to him again and directed him to go into the Temple (Luke 2:27).  He was obedient and went.  When he entered the courtyard of the Temple there were probably hundreds of people there.  But the Holy Spirit continued to guide him.  He was drawn to the area where the newborn babies were being dedicated.  It is possible that there were several newborns being dedicated that day. Jerusalem was a large city.   But his heart was drawn to one particular couple.  He asked them if he could hold their child.  And as he took the child up in his arms, the Holy Spirit spoke unto him again and no doubt said unto him: “This is the One! This is God’s Promise to Israel and to the world!”   Simeon’s heart overflowed with joy (Luke 2: 28-30).  The Holy Spirit had revealed Jesus, the Messiah unto him!  God had kept His promise! 

Jesus is still actively involved in this world;  particularly in the lives of His people.  But we can see Him only  if we are  looking  for Him!  The majority of  people are not looking for Him.  Therefore  they never see Him.  But if our heart is fixed upon the Lord and we desire to obey Him, and  we intentionally look for Him in our daily life, the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus unto us (Jer. 29:13).   We may  not see His visible form.  But we will be able to  see the imprint of His hand upon our day.  Sometimes we will see it immediately.  Other times, we will only see it at the end of our day after  we reflect back upon it.  But make no mistake about it.  The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to us!    It will be undeniable and amazing.  So like Simeon, let us wait,  let us look and let us obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We will be filled with joy over what we see. 

Rev. James W. Black

Sometimes God Surprises Us When He  Answers Our Prayer

Sometimes God Surprises Us When He  Answers Our Prayer

“But the angel said unto him, Fear not Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name John.” (Luke 1:13 KJV). 

Sometimes when we pray about something in particular the Lord answers quickly.  Those times are always a joy and a delight.  But then there are other times that we pray and the answer does not come quickly.  Sometimes we pray for days,  weeks, months and  even years without seeing the answer. In those times we can become  discouraged.  In those times we are tempted to quit praying. In those times we often think that the Lord has forgotten us.  In those times the enemy of our soul whispers in our ear and tells us that God doesn’t care; that He really doesn’t love us. 

No doubt that was true with Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth.  For years they had prayed for a child.  For years they had longed for a son.  But in spite of their faithfulness and their commitment in following  the Lord, the answer had not come.  Now, the hope for that answer was all but gone. They were well up in years. The possibility of being able to have a child was slim to none. If they had not been able to have a child in their prime their chances of having a child now was marginal at best. 

And yet, as Zacharias ministered before the Lord in the Temple; on a day when he least expected it, the answer came. The answer was dramatic.  It was shocking.  It was in every way a surprise! What was surprising was not just the answer itself but the way in it came. It came in a way he never imagined. God sent an  angel to deliver the message.  The message was specific, direct and personal.  The message was that In spite of what seemed  impossible,  God was indeed going to give them a son!  Because with God nothing is impossible! 

Sometimes these answers to prayer are the most powerful and the most meaningful. God’s answer after such a long time usually comes on a day when we least expect it. It comes in a way that totally surprises us.  It comes in a way that we will never forget.  That answer impacts our life.  It marks us.  We will never be the same as a result.  And it deepens our love, our faith and our trust in the Lord. 

So, keep praying. Keep trusting the Lord. Keep standing upon His Word!  Although the answer may be long in coming, when it does come, it will surprise you!  And you will be totally amazed and in awe of  God! And you will realize once again that there is indeed no one like Him! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Nearness of God

The Nearness of God

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”
(Psalm 145:18 NKJ).

The holiness of God makes Him unapproachable.  But the mercy of God and the grace of God revealed through the blood of Jesus is an open invitation  to enter  into His Presence.  God  longs to reveal Himself unto us.  He longs to fellowship with us.  He longs to be near us.  He longs to be with us!

 The entire  Bible is the story of redemption and the revelation of God’s desire to be with  us.   Through sin everyone is separated  from God.  But through Jesus everyone can be  forgiven.  Everyone  can be restored.  Everyone can be made whole. Everyone  can have  fellowship with God.   Everyone can come into His Presence.  Everyone can  be near  Him!  It is an open invitation.  There are  no exceptions.  There are  no exclusions. 

Because He is Spirit, God  can be with each of us personally no matter where we are. We are limited, but He is unlimited.  We are finite but  He is infinite.  Our finite mind struggles to grasp the reality  that God can be everywhere all at the same time!  But the things that are impossible with men, are possible with God!  (Luke 18:27). 

The key to experiencing the nearness of God is to genuinely want it.   That is what is meant by the phrase “in truth.”   We genuinely and truly desire to know Him.
We genuinely and truly desire to be near Him.  We genuinely and truly repent and turn from our sin.  We genuinely  and truly come unto Him with an open and yielded heart. We genuinely and truly desire Him above everything else (Math. 6:33).  .  And when we do, we will find Him (Jer. 29:13).  In fact, we will discover that He has been there all along,  We just didn’t know it!  (Gen. 28:16).  He is not very far from any of us!  (Acts 17:27). 

James W. Black

The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,  give I unto you.  Let not your heart be  troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 (KJV).

 When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, He was on His way to the cross.  Within just a few hours He would be brutalized and tortured.  The unspeakable pain and anguish He would experience  would be  magnified  billions of times over by the reality of  my sin and your sin being  placed upon Him by God the Father!   He would be judged as if He Himself had actually committed the sin (2 Cor. 5:21).  But  He was totally and completely innocent!  What is amazing is that in the face of all of that Jesus had perfect peace.  And He promised  His followers that He would give them that same peace!  What Jesus promised to those disciples, He still promises unto us.  His gift of peace is a remarkable and marvelous gift. 

We live in a world that is devoid of peace.  Not only is there armed conflict taking place around the world, but the greatest  conflict is within the human heart.  Families are broken and falling apart. In the desire for peace people seek to numb the pain and emptiness of their lives with  drugs, alcohol and the relentless pursuit of material things.  But the relief is only momentary.  It does not last.

The peace that Jesus offers is three fold.  First and foremost it is peace with God.  Jesus paid for our sin that we might be free from the impending judgment of a Holy God upon our sin (John 3:36).  The wrath of God was fully satisfied on the cross (Isaiah 53:11) and that finished work forever sealed  and guaranteed  by His Mighty Resurrection (Rev. 1:18).

Secondly, it is peace the peace of God within ourselves.  The empty void within our lives is filled by His Person and His Presence within us.  It is in Him that we find our purpose, the meaning of life and indescribable joy!  (Col. 3:15).

And finally it is peace with one another (Eph. 4:1-3).   When we experience  Peace with  God we also discover the Peace of God.  It is only then  we can experience peace with one another.  The gift of God’s peace sets us free  from having to prove to others that we have meaning,  value and  worth.  We are fully and completely valued, accepted and loved by the most important Being in the entire universe, the Lord Jesus Himself!  It cannot possibly get any better than that!  Why would anyone settle for anything less?

James W. Black

Being Thankful

Being Thankful

“O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.” (Psalm 105:1 KJV). 

As we witness the continuing decline of our great nation and the corruption  of  our once reliable and dependable institutions it is easy to become angry,  discouraged and skeptical.  It is easy to get caught up in the negative and to  forget to be thankful for that that we still have.   In spite of all the evil that is happening we still have much for which to be thankful.   

We can be thankful that in spite of the fact that our freedoms are under assault, we still have more freedom than 90% of the rest of the world.  We can be thankful that we live in America instead if Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe  or North Korea.    We can be thankful that in spite of inflation, most of us can still feed our families.  We can be thankful that there is an abundance of jobs for those who want to work. 

We can be thankful that we can still speak our mind without fear of government repression.  Business and various elements of society  may seek to cancel us or attack us, but we can still speak the truth in love whether it is accepted or not.  We can be thankful that we still have the freedom to assemble to worship God without fear of persecution.   We can be thankful that it is not illegal to own a Bible or to read it. 
We can be thankful that it is not illegal to share our faith. 

We can be thankful that the majority of us own an automobile.  We can drive to where we need to go.  We can be thankful that the majority of us have a roof over our head.
We can be thankful for the faithfulness of God.  And most importantly we can be thankful for our great salvation.  One of the hallmarks of God’s people is thankfulness.  May we above all people live before an unbelieving world with a grateful heart!  We have much for which to be thankful! 

James W. Black

Knowing God’s Will For My Life

Knowing God’s Will For My Life

“He hath showed you, O man, what is good; and what does  the Lord require  of you , but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?”  (Micah 6:8 NKJV).

As a child of God have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life?  In other words, the Lord has redeemed you.  He has given you  new life in Christ.  Now, what does He want you  to do?  Every child of God has asked that question.  It is not new. But we often struggle in trying to find the answer.   We   tend to complicate the matter.  In knowing God’s will, we must understand two things. 

First there is the general will of God.   The general will of God is what is required of all God’s children throughout all ages.  It  never changes. (1).  We are to do justly. 
That is we are to simply do what is right according to what God has clearly revealed in scripture. They’re is an abundance of scripture that clearly tells us how we should live. The 10 Commandments is  a good place to start. [Ex. 20].   (2). We are to love mercy.  As we have been the recipients of God’s abundant mercy, we should also be generous in extending mercy to others.  (3). We are to walk in humility before God and men.  If we are walking in humility before God, we will also walk in humility before others.  We will not be proud, arrogant or boastful.  As we seek to do these things, relying upon the Power of the Holy Spirit, Who resides within us, we will be doing God’s will and will be a light to those who are in darkness all around us. 

Then there is the specific will of God.  The specific will of God  flows out of our walking in the  general will of God.    What that means is that if we are not doing what is already clearly revealed in scripture, then why should we expect the Lord speak to us about anything else?  It is  through  doing what we already know to do that the Lord will  speak to us about other things.   The Lord will  make His will abundantly  clear to us.  He  will also confirm it by His Word, by His Spirit and through other people and circumstances. 

So, rest in the Lord.  Do what you already know to do as a Child of God.  Enjoy the Lord each day.  And He will speak to you specifically if there is ever anything else He wants you to do.  You will always be the first to know!  So, until then, just relax! 

James W. Black

Bringing Pleasure to the Lord

Bringing Pleasure to the Lord

“The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear him, in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness. ”
(Psalm 147:11 AMPC).

Just as loving parents find pleasure in their children, the Heavenly Father finds pleasure in His! Good parents love their children from the very moment they are born. Just watch the way a mother looks at her newborn baby the first time she sees it! That newborn baby is totally and completely dependent upon the parent. The newborn has done absolutely nothing to earn or merit the parent’s love. But the parent loves the child with an overwhelming, unexplainable love! The loving parent would at that very moment lay down their life for that child. And the only basis for such love is the relationship; nothing else!

As the child begins to grow, the pleasure the parent finds in the child also grows! The parent enjoys watching the child discover and become aware of life and the world in which he lives. And the parent experiences even greater joy when the child willingly listens, learns, and obeys those things he is asked to do! For the parent always knows and wants what is best for the child and for the child to walk in obedience brings great pleasure!

That is a picture of how our Heavenly Father loves us! His love for us is far greater than any words can describe or explain (Eph. 3: 17-19). The Heavenly Father takes pleasure in us simply because of the relationship; nothing else! In fact, He longed for that relationship before we were ever born (Psalm 139: 16-17). The Father’s pleasure is amplified and enhanced when we choose to recognize Him, honor Him, reverence Him, worship Him, and follow Him! It brings Him great pleasure! So much so that the Father will even brag on His children to others whenever He gets a chance (Job 1:8).

So let us resolve to learn of Him more and more and seek to walk in obedience to those things which He teaches us so that the richness of His love for us might be realized each day. Whenever we do, it always brings the Heavenly Father, great pleasure!

Rev. James W. Black

How We Are To Live In This World

How We Are To Live In This World

“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into he world.”
(John 17: 15-18 ESV).

In His final prayer for the disciples as He was on His way to the cross, Jesus prayed that they(and we) would live with the consciousness that they no longer really belonged to this world. In other words, it wouldn’t feel like home to them anymore. And though they still lived in this world, they would be different from this world! They would no longer find pleasure in the dark things they once enjoyed!

The indwelling work of the Holy Spirit would make them (and us) a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17). And the Power of the Holy Spirit would transfer them out of the kingdom of darkness into the the Kingdom of God (Col. 1:13). Because of this transformation they (and we) would be “hated” by the world just as Jesus is hated by the world. (Luke 21:17, John 17:14). The fact that they would be hated was evidence that they (and we) truly belonged to Him!

They (and we) were to live with the understanding that it is not the plan of the Savior to take them out of this world but for them to remain in this world in order to be His light in this world (Math. 5:14-16). As they sought to live in His light and to reflect His light, the Word of God would become precious unto them. Living according to His Word would definitely set them (and us) apart from the rest of the world (John 17: 17). Such living would be considered strange and radical by the world.

The prayer of the Savior is that they (and we) would be delivered from the assaults of the evil one as they continued to live in this world. The adversary would seek to distract them, divert them into different directions, discourage them, and destroy every effort they made in trying to following Him (John 17:15)!

The prayer of the Savior is that they (and we) would realize that they were on an assigned mission to go wherever He would lead them in this world so that others might know that He loves them just as much as He loves us! (John 17:18). And the day would come when He would bring them (and us) home to be with Him in eternity (John 14:3, John 17:24). Such living transcends everything that this world has to offer!

My, what a wonderful way to live!

Rev. James W. Black

God Specializes in New Things

God Specializes in New Things

“And he that sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new…”
(Rev. 21:5 KJV).

Advertising and marketing professionals know that one of the most powerful words in advertising is the word “new”. That word immediately sparks interest and curiosity. It creates a desire to investigate and see what is “new”. God specializes in making things “new”!

In John 13:34 Jesus gave a “new commandment” that we should love one another. It would become the identifying mark of those who are His disciples. In Hebrews 8:8 Jesus made a “new covenant” that was better than the old. It accomplished what the old could never do (Heb. 10:4). Through the work of His Cross, Jesus opened a “new and living way” into the presence of God! That way now makes it possible for anyone who will to come unto to Him (Rom. 10:13). No one is excluded!

So as we stand on the threshold of this new year, with hope and anticipation, let us embrace the continual newness that Christ brings to us each day!

Those who truly come to Christ become a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17). Our whole lives become “new”. And this powerful work brings together both Jew and Gentile into “one new man” (Eph. 2:15-16). It completely resolves all racial and sectarian divisions. When He fully establishes His Kingdom there will be a “new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:5) which will be even better than the one we currently enjoy. There will also be a “new Jerusalem” coming down out of heaven in which the redeemed shall dwell with God (Rev. 21:2-3). In fact, absolutely everything in this realm of indescribable glory will be completely new (Rev. 21:5).

Rev. James W. Black

The Branch

The Branch

“Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.”
(Jeremiah 23:5 KJV).

https://my.bible.com/bible/1/PSA.132.17.kjvhttps://my.bible.com/bible/1/JHN.8.12.KJVWe are accustomed to hearing Jesus called: “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5), or “The Lamb of God” (John 1:29) or “The Light of the world.” (John 8:12). But the Name “The Branch” is not as familiar to us. The Hebrew word for “Branch” is “tsemach” which means to “sprout, to bud, or to grow upon.” This same word is used in Psalm 132:17 which says: “There I will make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for my anointed.” The word “bud” here is the same root word for “tsemach”.

It is a prophetic reference to God’s Promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:16 & Jeremiah 33:17 where God promised David that his “throne would be established forever.” We know that most of David’s descendants sinned grievously which resulted in Israel being taken into captivity because of God’s judgment upon them (Jeremiah 52: 4-11). But God would preserve a remnant and raise up through the line of David “The Branch” who would become the Redeemer, the Messiah, and the King whose Throne would be established forever in righteousness! Although He existed in eternity, Jesus in His humanity would come to this earth through the line of David (Matthew 1:6, Matthew 22:42) in fulfillment of God’s Promise!

The Branch is a picture of the Promise of God! It is a picture of the faithfulness of God. It is a picture of “New Life” coming forth from that which appeared to be dead! It is a picture of the miracle-working power of God in the face of the impossible! The Branch connects us to life! The Branch produces the fruit of righteousness! The Branch gives hope in the face of hopelessness! Jesus is The Branch who will reign forever as King! And He will bring redemption and justice to all who have been wounded and abused by the author of sin!

Today, The Branch, is enthroned upon our hearts (if we are redeemed). But He will ultimately be enthroned over all the earth! And He will reign from the Throne of David in Jerusalem! (Rev. 19: 1-16). And we will be privileged to reign with Him (Rev. 5:10)!

Rev. James W. Black