Category: Pastor’s Corner

God’s View of His Word

God’s View of His Word

“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth; for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

Psalm 138:2 KJV

We know that the Name of the Lord is Holy.  His Name is to be honored and revered. It is not to be taken, lightly, casually, or flippantly.  It is not to be degraded or profaned in any way. His name is to be exalted and magnified.  (Exodus 20:7).  God’s Name is the revelation of His character and His nature.  His Name is the expression of Who He is!  

If God’s Name is to be so honored and revered,  then what does God think of His Word?  The scripture declares that God has magnified His Word even above His Name! Just as God is Holy and His Name  Holy, His Word is also Holy! God’s Word is the expression of His will and purpose.  Through the Word He reveals Himself.  Through the Word, He reveals His love for us.  Through the Word, He declares and affirms His mighty power both in creation and in His dealing with mankind.  Through the Word, He reveals his great salvation!  

It is through the Word that we come to know Him.  And it is through the Word that we learn to live and walk with Him. It is through the Word that we discover our identity.   It is through the Word that we discover our purpose and destiny.  It is through the Word that we know of the reality of our future. 

God’s Word has never failed. Whatever He has said has and will come to pass.  If God ever said anything that failed to come to pass, then God would cease to be God!  God and His Word are inseparable.  That is why the evil one continually attacks the Word of God.  That is why he seeks to cause people to doubt the Word of God.  He knows far better than we do the power, the reliability, the integrity, and the veracity of the Word of God!  

If God has such a high view of His Word, should we not also value it, treasure it, read it, apply it, and follow it?  Let us resolve to have the same honor and reverence for God’s Word as He does!  If we do, we will be continually conformed to His image!  For it is His Word, both living and written that changes us! 

Rev. James Black

The Eternity of the Word of God

The Eternity of the Word of God

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8 NKJV

One thing that scripture affirms again and again is that the Word of God is eternal! Before there was anything, there was The Word of God (John 1:1). Before the universe and the world was ever created there was the Word of God. Before there was ever a written document, the Bible, there was the Word. The scripture informs us that this Word is a Person! And that this Person is God! (John 1:1). God Himself is eternal.
“From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” (Psalm 90:2 NKV). Therefore, the Word, who is God, is eternal!

This Word, which spoke everything into existence (Gen. 1:3), is revealed in the written Word. This written Word was spoken by the same Spirit who created all things (John 1:3). This Word stepped out of eternity into time and became clothed in human flesh (John 1:14). And for the first time, the invisible God became visible! (John 14:9, Col. 1:15). Each expression of the Word, The Spirit (John 4:4), the Written document (2 Tim. 3:16), and the Person [Jesus] (Heb. 1:3), all reveal and compliment the other. Thus the Word of God is both living and eternal and becomes the standard by and through which all things are understood and measured!

The Word of God has been attacked and ridiculed by so-called intellectuals. Dictators and tyrannical governments have sought to destroy it. But all of those who have sought to destroy it in the past are dead. And those who seek to destroy it now will experience the same fate! But the Word of God still lives. And it continues to live because it is eternal! This Living and Eternal Word produces New Life through the New Birth and guarantees eternal life to all who will receive it (John 3:16)!

Rev. James Black

A New Song

A New Song

“And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.”

Psalm 40:3 KJV

King David rejoiced in the fact that the Lord had delivered him from difficult circumstances.  Because of that, his heart was overflowing with joy, praise, and thanksgiving unto the Lord!   Throughout David’s life, he had experienced the faithfulness of God on numerous occasions.  On many of those occasions, David would write a song unto the Lord as a means of expressing his gratitude.  Many of those songs would later be sung in the Temple worship in Jerusalem.   Many of them have become a part of The Word of God.  Many of the Psalms (songs) in the Bible were written by David.  The fact they wound up as scripture points to the Divine Inspiration of those songs! 

Whenever we experience the Lord’s deliverance or provision in the midst of seemingly impossible circumstances, it should motivate us to want to offer praise and adoration unto the Holy One for His goodness and His faithfulness in our lives.   Joy and thanksgiving flow from the heart, the inner core of our being, and manifests itself outwardly.  Sometimes that manifestation is a shout of joy.  Sometimes it is a song sung with great passion.  Sometimes it is simply kneeling before the Lord with uplifted hands.  Sometimes it is prostrating ourselves before the Lord with tears of gratitude.  Whatever expression that joy takes it produces light in our countenance and puts a smile on our face.  Others can see this joy.  And it encourages them to want to hear about what the Lord has done for us!  It opens the door to conversation about the reality of God! 

So let us sing our “new song” unto the Lord!  The song is new because the Lord’s deliverance today is different from His deliverance previously.   And we have a new opportunity to express our joy unto Him!  So let us sing our new song and rejoice in our God for He is worthy of our praise! 

Rev. James Black

Praying For One Another

Praying For One Another

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;  that ye may approve the things that are excellent;  that ye may be sincere and without offense till the Day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God.”

Phil. 1: 9-11 KJV

Often when we ask for prayer or others ask us to pray for them, it is usually about a specific issue that we or they are facing or dealing with at the time.  And we should pray for one another concerning such things.  That is called “bearing one another’s burdens”.  (Gal. 6:2). 

But in the Body of Christ, it is equally important that we pray for those things that strengthen and deepen our understanding and walk with the Lord.  In Philippians, Paul lists those vital things that we should continually pray for one another.  These things will help us individually and will help us corporately as a Body. 

  1. Pray that we will grow in love for one another. Our love for one another should be genuine and continue to grow and deepen as we walk with Christ.  Such love should permeate the entire Body.  (John 13:35)
  2. Pray that we will continue to grow in the knowledge and truth of the Lord Jesus. Our understanding and knowledge of Christ and Biblical Truth should continue to grow and increase.  (John 1: 14, 17). 
  3. Pray that we will continually focus on those things that are excellent (those things that have real value and meaning). We should not allow ourselves to get distracted by non-essentials.  Pray that in all things we will keep our focus on Jesus!  (Heb. 12:2). 
  4. Pray that our hearts will be genuine and sincere in our walk with the Lord, doing our best to not bring a reproach to the Name of Christ or to be offensive toward one another. (1 John 1: 6-7).
  5. Pray that the Fruit of Christ (the fruit of the Holy Spirit) might be manifested in us and through us individually and corporately as the Body of Christ.  (Gal. 5: 22-25).   

If we pray for one another concerning these things we will grow individually and corporately as a Body!

Rev. James W. Black

When Our Heart Condemns Us

When Our Heart Condemns Us

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things.

1 John 3:20 KJV

Do you ever feel that your walk with the Lord Jesus,  just does not measure up?  That you are not good enough?  That no matter what you do, you just don’t do enough? Do you ever feel like just giving up?  Every follower of Christ has been assaulted by these feelings and these thoughts at one time or another.  These thoughts and feelings describe what the Word God calls the condemnation of the heart. 

These thoughts and feelings originate from two sources.  First, they originate from the Adversary who seeks to heap guilt and condemnation upon us by attacking us with these thoughts and feelings. Secondly, they originate with us when we get caught up in focusing on ourselves instead of focusing on Christ. 

When we focus on ourselves it is easy to see our shortcomings.  Then we find ourselves comparing ourselves to someone else who “appears” to be more spiritual than we are and we begin to agree with those thoughts and feelings by affirming them. But the reality is that none of us measure up, are good enough, or can ever do enough to fully satisfy the requirements for being fully accepted by a Holy God! We must accept and believe (by faith) that Christ’s finished work is completely sufficient to satisfy the wrath of God (John 3:36).  And that His Blood is completely sufficient and able to cleanse us of all our sins and make us righteous and fully acceptable in His sight (1 John 1: 9).  All of which is based upon what Christ has already done, not on what we think we can or should do. If God says it is sufficient then surely we can believe that it is! 

With that firm understanding, we can then realize that God is indeed greater than our heart!  When we choose to take our attention off of ourselves and focus on Him and what He has accomplished for us,  we will then find victory over those thoughts that would assault our hearts and minds.  (Rom. 8:1, Phil.4:8).

Rev. James W. Black

How Faith Works

How Faith Works

“For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.”

Galatians 5:6 KJV

Sometimes in the Body of Christ we struggle with the concept of faith.  We struggle with knowing how to exercise our faith.  And we struggle sometimes to know how faith operates.  Sometimes we feel that our faith is weak.  Sometimes we feel that we have no faith at all.  Sometimes we struggle to produce faith and we feel that nothing is happening.  The problem is that we try to measure our faith by our feelings. 
Faith is not a feeling.  It is simply trusting and putting our confidence in what we know to be true. 

Faith is not something that is produced by us.  Faith is a gift from God Himself (Eph. 2:8).  Even the faith to be saved is a gift!  It was the Holy Spirit working in our heart that revealed to us our lost condition.  It was the Holy Spirit who revealed to us Who Jesus truly is.  And it was the Holy Spirit who revealed to us that the only hope of salvation, (that is being cleansed from our sin and made right and acceptable in the sight of a Holy God)   could be found in Him.  The Word declares that every follower of Christ has been given a measure of faith (Rom. 12:3). 

The Word declares that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17).   Faith is built up and released within us when we “hear” and believe that God’s Word is true!  Then we act on that Word by faith because we believe.   In acting on the Word by faith (not feelings) the truth of the Word is affirmed to us.  When the truth of the Word is affirmed to us it produces within us a deeper love for the Holy One and for the Word of God that He has been given to us. 

Our faith then continues to grow and is motivated by an ever-deepening revelation of His love for us.  Love is truly the factor that causes us to operate in faith.  It is our ever-growing love for Him and His Word that deepens and strengthens our faith in Him!   If we do not love Him and His Word we will have no foundation by which faith can be activated as released in our lives. 

Rev. James W. Black

The Work of God

The Work of God

“Then said they unto him, ‘What shall we do, that we might work the works  of God?’
Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom  he hath sent.’

John 6: 28-29 KJV

So often we think that it is in the doing of particular works that demonstrates the Work of God. While it is certainly true that the Lord Jesus has redeemed us  “unto good works” (Eph. 2:10 KJV), and it is equally true that our faith is demonstrated by  “good works”  (James 2: 17-18), the work of God is far greater than that!

Jesus stated emphatically that the true work of God is believing in Him (totally and completely with all that we are and all that we have. Mark 12:30) .   In other words, it is our complete faith and trust in Him that brings genuine and lasting transformation.  The work must be done In Us before it can be done Through Us!  Everything begins and ends therefore with our believing in Him! 

It is our belief in Christ and what He has accomplished for us that brings about salvation.  It is our belief in Christ that brings forgiveness. It is our belief in Christ that brings peace with God, with others, and with ourselves.  It is our belief in Christ that unleashes the power of the Word of God in us.  It is our belief in Christ that releases the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our fellowship.  It is our belief in Christ that brings hope.  It is our belief in Christ that brings joy.  It is our belief in Christ that brings deliverance from the powers of darkness.  It is our belief in Christ that brings healing to our bodies, to our lives, to broken relationships, and broken families.  It is our belief in Christ that brings purpose and meaning in life.  It is our belief in Christ that gives value and meaning to our work and all that we do  (1 Cor. 10:31, Col. 3:23).  It is our belief in Christ that motivates us to honor Him and serve Him!

Indeed, everything rests upon the fact that we truly believe in Him!  This means that we believe that Jesus is Who He says that He is and that He does what He says He will do!  Everything that flows into and out of the Christian life rests upon that foundation! (1 Cor. 3:11).  This is truly the Work of God! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Word Became Flesh

The Word Became Flesh

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”.

John 1:1,14 KJV

Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John makes a declaration that is beyond human comprehension. The Word was with God!  The Word was God! And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us!   It stretches the human mind beyond its capacity to fully comprehend it. It bankrupts the human language to try and describe it!  The only explanation for it is God!  It can only be understood in God!   

The Word is eternal!  Before anything came into existence, there was the Word! (John 1:1).   Before there was ever ink and paper, which we call the Bible, there was the Word!  The Word is a Person!  He has always existed and always will  exist.  The Word is God!  The Word created all things!  (Gen. 1 & 2Psalm 33:6, John 1:3).   The  Word is  the Lord Jesus Christ;  the Second Person of the Godhead!  The Word became clothed in sinless human flesh! The Word became one of us!  He stepped into our world and lived in the midst of fallen, sinful humanity!  Yet he never sinned!  There is no greater passage in scripture that captures both the Deity of Jesus and the wonder and mystery of  His incarnation in humanity! 

He who dwells  in eternity became restricted, to time and space while on earth. He who is self existent , experienced every need and emotion of humanity!  And though He was clothed in humanity, His Deity was not diminished!  He was (as the theologians say) “Very God of Very God!”   

Who can explain this wonder and this mystery?  Who can fully  grasp the majesty of the incarnation of God in human flesh?  The only thing anyone can do in light of this  revelation and truth is to bow before Him in worship and adoration!  What an awesome God we serve! 

Rev. James W. Black

The Extravagant Gift of God

The Extravagant Gift of God

“For the wages of sin is death,  but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 6:23 KJV

During the Christmas Season, people naturally turn their attention to gifts. Now, there is nothing wrong with the giving and receiving of gifts. It is a way of expressing our love, appreciation, and care for one another. Those who enjoy giving gifts desire to give the “perfect gift” to that special person or persons. They want to give something that will be valued and treasured; something that when the gift is seen or used later they always remember the one who gave them that gift. But this season is not about the gifts we give to one another. Rather it is about the extravagant gift that God has given unto us!

This extravagant gift cannot be purchased or earned in any way (Eph. 2: 8-9). And its value cannot be realized until it is genuinely received. It is only when this gift is gratefully received that genuine transformation occurs. Some transformation occurs immediately (2 Cor. 5:17). Other transformation takes place over a lifetime of embracing, treasuring, and walking in the reality of this precious gift.

In Romans 8:32 the Word of God declares: “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (KJV). When it came to us (all of us) God the Father spared no expense. He gave the most valuable possession that He had so that you and I could have eternal life, be a part of His Eternal Family, and live in His Eternal Kingdom.

With His gift, He lavished His incomprehensible love upon us! His gift is rich and extravagant! It is immeasurable! It is eternal! It never gets old. It never goes out of style. It never goes out of date. It never wears out. And it never becomes obsolete. We can never outgrow it and we cannot live without it. It is with us now and will be with us all throughout eternity. It is the perfect gift that ultimately makes us perfect in the sight of a Holy God! There is no other gift like it anywhere! It is indeed one of a kind!
And it should be treasured above all other gifts!

Rev. James W. Black

You Shall Call His Name Jesus

You Shall Call His Name Jesus

“And behold, thou shalt conceive in  thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.”

Luke 1:31 KJV

The angel Gabriel, who was sent by God,  announced to the Virgin Mary that she was going to have a son.  That son would be supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit.  And she was to call his name “Jesus”.  In Hebrew the name is Yeshua.   In Greek it is Iesous.  In English it is Jeshua.   We call it Joshua.  The name literally means  “Jehovah is Salvation.”  It is important to note that that name was common among the Jewish people. 

Today there is no other name that is more loved or hated than the Name of Jesus!  To those who have opened their hearts and experienced the saving and transforming power of Jesus in their life, that Name is precious!  It is cherished, honored, and loved.  It is only in that Name that we can receive salvation from our sin (Acts 4:12) and the wrath of God that our sin deserves (John 3:36).

But that Name is also hated by others.  They hate that Name because the very mention of that Name exposes their sin and the darkness in their hearts (John 3: 19-20).  That Name is increasingly attacked today in our culture. And the cost of honoring that Name will increase as we continue moving closer to the Lord’s return.   There are many saints of God around the world who have sacrificed their lives because of that Name!  But looking from the standpoint of eternity, all of them would say to us that it is worth it! 

There is power in the Name of Jesus to redeem from sin, to heal physically and emotionally, and to deliver from the powers of darkness!  So let us continue to lift up that Name both in word and in deed.  There is no name anywhere like the Name of Jesus! 

Rev. James W. Black