Author: NCC-Admin-1

It’s The Little Things That Matter

It’s The Little Things That Matter

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”  (Luke 16:10 KJV). 

Most who are followers of Christ would not think of engaging in things we call “big sins” (stealing, adultery, lying, etc.).  And sometimes we can pride ourselves (if we are not careful) in not doing those things.

However, we sometimes fail to realize that we must be just as diligent in guarding against what we call the “little things”; things like looking at someone and thinking that  because they are not “like us” that we are somehow better than they are.  It is easy to look at someone from another race, culture, social or educational background and be critical and condemning of them because they are different from us.  We forget that every human being is made in the image of God. 

We must also be diligent in guarding our thought life.  Christians can have unholy thoughts enter their mind just like anyone else. We must guard against allowing those thoughts to stay and take root.    We have been given the ability, through Christ, to capture those thoughts and cast them out of our minds.  (2 Cor. 10:5).

Diligence is also required in cultivating our personal relationship with Christ.  It is easy to become so busy in life that we push our relationship with Christ to the bottom of our priority  list.  We think that just going to church will be sufficient.  But church only enhances and encourages our relationship.  It is no substitute for cultivating  own personal relationship with the Lord. 

There are many other things we could name.  But the point is that if we neglect the little things, we can easily find ourselves doing things that we never thought we would.  It is in doing the little things that we build the foundation upon which we can stand against the bigger things that come against us.

James W. Black

Follow Me

Follow Me

“And as he passed by, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the receipt of custom, and said unto him, ‘Follow me.’ And he arose and followed him.” (Mark 2:14 KJV). 

Matthew (or Levi as he was called here) was a businessman. He was engaged in the business of collecting taxes  for the Romans.  It was a lucrative profession. The Romans set a fixed rate for their  taxes.  The Tax Collectors could arbitrarily add a percentage to the amount that was collected.  That was their compensation.  And they became quite wealthy as a result.  But their wealth came at a cost. Because they were Jews who worked for the hated Romans, they were considered to be traitors and thus they were ostracized for the most part by their own people. 

 But one day, Jesus stopped  by Matthew’s place of business.  Jesus looked at him and said:  “Follow me.”  There was something about His words and His gaze  that  penetrated Matthew’s  soul. And he got up and followed Him!   That decision changed his life.  He would never be the same again. 

Jesus is still extending that invitation today.  It is the same for everyone.  His invitation is to:  “Follow Me.”  He does not invite us to preach, teach, be a missionary, sing, or serve in the  kitchen.   No.  He simply invites us to Follow Him!  And when we do, He alone  leads us to where He wants to go.  And  He alone empowers us to follow. 

We often make the Christian  life hard or difficult. We come up with all kinds of rules and regulations.  But all that Jesus asks anyone to do is to “Follow Him.”  Nothing more. Nothing less.  And  It is only  when we choose to follow Him that we experience the joy that He promises to bring.  All that we have to do is simply go where He goes, do what He does, and say what He says.  And if we do, we will be like Matthew.  We will never be the same again. 

James W. Black

The Unchanging Nature God

The Unchanging Nature God

“For I am the Lord, I change not…” (Malachi 3:6 KJV). 

One of the things that we all face in life is change.  Life is constantly changing.  Our children who at one time were toddlers are now grown and have children of their own.  Many of our loved ones have passed into eternity.  Places we once shopped have been torn down to make way for something new.  The highways we once traveled have changed.  Change is an inevitable part of life.  Some change is good.  Some of it is not.  And sometimes it is difficult to adjust to the change. 

But the one thing that does not change is the Lord Himself.  He makes that declaration in His Word.  In (Hebrews 13:8) the Word of God declares that Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Which affirms His Deity!).  The Lord’s unchanging nature should be a source of comfort for us. In a world that is constantly changing, the Lord never changes!

We know and serve the same God that Abraham did.  Not another God, but the same God!  He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and He is our God too!  The God of the Old Testament is the same God revealed (through Jesus) in the New Testament (Col. 2:9).  Jesus reveals to us exactly what God is like (John 14:9).  Jesus reveals to us the love, compassion, mercy, and grace of God.  He reveals the holiness of God.  And He reveals the justice of God that was satisfied on the cross for us! 

He is the eternal and unchanging God.  He is the anchor for the soul and the beacon of light and hope in the midst of the darkness!  Cling to Him!  Rest in Him!  Trust in Him!
He is always with us (Matt. 28:20)!  And He is always for us (Rom. 8:31).  He never changes!

Rev. James W. Black

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which  are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”  (Rom. 8:1 KJV). 

We live in a broken world.  One of the results  of that brokenness is the fact that each of us at different times face condemnation from a variety of sources.  Some people condemn us whenever we make a mistake, never recognizing their own weakness and tendency for failure. Others condemn us when we do not measure up to their expectations.  Then there are those who condemn us simply because we disagree with them, regardless of the irrefutable facts that support our position.   We see that all across the spectrum of our society today. 

Then in addition to that, for those who are followers of Christ, we face the condemnation of the evil one.  He condemns us and reminds us of our past. 
He condemns us and points out our failure whenever we  slip up and do something wrong as a follower of Christ. (Note:  We all fail at times! ) He condemns us by telling us that there is no possible way that God could forgive us, much less love us; especially after what we did.   That of course is a lie!

And there is the condemnation that we bring upon ourselves.  We beat ourselves up because  we feel that we should be more spiritual or more mature than we are.  We get disappointed in ourselves when we compare ourselves to others. 

But the good news of the gospel is that Jesus came to set us free not only from the penalty of our sin, but also from the condemnation  that sin brings upon us!   The experience of  freedom begins with genuine repentance before God.  We agree with God that in light of His holiness our act or actions was sin in His sight. (1 John 1:9).  Repentance means that we surrender  to the cross, renounce our sin and turn from it. In exchange,  we receive His forgiveness, love and grace.  We receive His cleansing, renewal and refreshing.  We enthrone Jesus upon our heart and resolve to walk in  Him submitting to His power operating within us.  When we choose to do so, we discover the liberty and freedom of no longer walking in condemnation!  Jesus sets us free from the condemnation of others, from the evil one, and from the condemnation we bring upon ourselves!   That is real freedom!  And only Jesus can provide that for us! 

James W. Black

Recognizing Jesus

Recognizing Jesus

“And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” (Luke 24:31 ESV).

     The reality the Jesus is evident to all  those who want to see Him.   He is revealed in and through the creation (Psalm 19:1, John 1:3, Col. 1:16).  He is revealed in and through The Word of God (Heb. 4:12, Rom. 10:17).  And He is revealed in and through the personal lives of those who have received His message of grace, forgiveness and salvation and have experienced the transforming power of His Spirit!  (Rom. 8: 15-16). 

      Although  Jesus is invisible  (at the moment) to the natural eye, yet He is visible to us in the spirit and through the everyday events and circumstances of life.  Jesus illustrated this by pointing out that the Holy Spirit is like the wind.  We do not see or know how or where it originates or where it goes when it passes over us, but we can readily see and know what it does (John 3:8).  The ability to recognize Jesus depends upon whether or nor we genuinely desire to see Him!  All throughout scripture, the Lord revealed Himself to those who genuinely wanted to see.  He did that for Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Daniel and He still reveals Himself today.  Some revelations are dramatic, such as Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:2) and Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 1-6).  The majority however  are quiet and simple like those two disciples in Emmaus,  who were having an ordinary meal with a stranger until their eyes were opened and they realized it was Jesus.   

      That is how Jesus most often reveals Himself to us today; in the simple,  everyday, ordinary things of life.  In those  times, like the disciples  in Emmaus, we may not immediately recognize Him at first.   But when as we look more closely upon  the moment, the  event or the circumstances we  have experienced our eyes are opened and we suddenly see Him .  We see that He was there right in the midst of of it!  He was  operating and working in that situation all the time!  That revelation is given to us by The Holy Spirit who opens our eyes and enables us to see!  That is why those who do not know Him and those who have no interest in Him, never see Him.   Jesus always hides Himself  from those who do not care to see.  But He is always revealing  Himself to those who do!  (Jer. 29:13). 

The Promises of God

The Promises of God

“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature…”2nd Peter 1:4

The promises of God are without equal!  The promises of God are absolute;  meaning that they will be fulfilled!   The Character and the Power of God are behind each promise that He makes!  They are greater than we can possibly imagine.  As the hymn says; we can “stand on the promises of God.” 

But it is important for us to understand that there are different categories of God’s promises.  Some of the promises of God are unconditional; meaning that they apply to all people at all times.  Such is the promise of Salvation. It is offered to all who believe (that is put their complete trust) in  Jesus.  His love, forgiveness, and amazing grace are available to all who call upon Him in faith!  (John 3:16, Rom. 10:13).  This promise enables all who put their trust in Christ to experience the life-changing, transforming power of the Holy Spirit and receive a new life!  (2 Cor. 5:17). 

There are some promises that are specifically for the Nation of Israel.  They are God’s Covenantal Promise unto them. (Gen. 12:3). Some promises are conditional; meaning that we have a responsibility for those promises to be fulfilled.  If we honor, obey Him and meet the conditions He has asked, specific blessings will follow. But if we walk in dishonor and obedience certain curses will follow as a result.  (Deuteronomy 28).

All of God’s promises are given out of His love for His people!  They are designed to bless His people!  All of His promises are given to enable His people to experience the goodness of God in their lives.  One of the greatest ways we can grow in our faith is to begin walking by faith in the promises that God has given unto us.  As we do, we will experience the reality of those promises being manifested in our lives.  And we will begin to experience God in our daily lives! 

Let us be thankful that we have such an awesome God who makes such astounding promises to us! 

Rev. James W. Black

Unable to Discern Right from Wrong

Unable to Discern Right from Wrong

In Isaiah 5:20-21 The Holy One gave the Word through the prophet Isaiah to the people of Israel: “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight.” (KJV). Because Israel had abandoned both the Truth of God (The Word of God) and the God of Truth they were no longer able to discern between what was good and what was evil. They had lost their moral compass and everyone did what was right in his own eyes!

Sadly we are witnessing the same thing in our culture today. As a culture we have abandoned the Truth of God (the Word of God) and the God of Truth (John 14:6). And professing ourselves to be wise we have become fools (Romans 1:22).

Today, every form of evil is celebrated by the culture at large. Homosexuality, fornication, adultery, lying, cheating, stealing, public profanity, and every form of perversion and evil are celebrated by the culture at large. Today such things are called good! To disapprove or disagree with such things is considered hateful, bigoted, and intolerant. To protest such things is considered unenlightened and out of touch.

As a result, we are reaping and will continue to reap, the consequences of such evil choices. Our families will continue to disintegrate. Our children will continue to be abused (the greatest abuse is abortion), abandoned, and sexually exploited by a culture in which now many of the so-called “elite” think that pedophilia should be legalized. The envelope is being pushed further and further. Now even cannibalism is being promoted in movies and books. One “enlightened” commentator on the arts noted recently that “cannibalism is a subject whose time has come.”

As a Holy God brought judgment upon his own people for their wickedness, He will surely bring judgment upon us for our light has been much greater! But regardless of the darkness, we are called to be the light to this generation in darkness. We are called to live and walk in the Truth of Christ and His Word! We have the compass! And because of that, we can discern the difference between right and wrong; good and evil. Let us resolve to continue to be that light!

Rev. James W. Black

The Language of Tears

The Language of Tears

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”  (Psalm 126: 6 KJV). 

When it comes to advancing the Kingdom of God, the salvation of lost loved ones, the return of our prodigals, the outpouring of revival, and the turning of our nation, one of the most important languages to which God responds to is the language of our tears.  Nothing touches the heart of God more than our tears!  Just as a mother or a father is immediately drawn to the tears of their child, the heart of God is quickly drawn to the tears of His children!

We are not speaking of mere emotionalism but rather the deep, genuine,  heartfelt brokenness and desperation over an impossible and hopeless situation. 
A situation in which there is no solution apart from God’s sovereign intervention.   When genuine tears are shed, they are shed because the heart is broken.  They are shed because there is the recognition that there is no hope outside of God.   They are shed out of desperation!  There is absolutely nothing else that can possibly be done! Our mind, our heart, and our full attention are riveted on God in brokenness and humility. And it is in this position of the heart that the Lord hears and responds.   

We see this exemplified again and again all through scripture from the cry of the Israelites slaves in Egypt (Ex. 3:7), the cry of Israel when they had been overcome by their enemies because of their sin (Judges 3:9), to Hannah  (1 Samuel 1:10)  who wept before the Lord for a child.  In all of these situations, the Lord responded to the language of tears. 

When the South Koreans came to the US in May of this year, one of the most amazing things they did when they prayed for this nation was that they cried out to the Lord with tears.  I must confess that although I have been deeply grieved and burdened over the dreadful, sinful condition of our nation, I have not yet wept over our nation!  Could that be one of the reasons we have not yet seen revival? Could it be that in spite of all the prayer taking place among many of God’s people in  America,  we have not yet come to the place of brokenness and weeping over the condition of our nation?  Could that be one of the reasons that revival has been delayed? 

The question is asked, “How bad will it have to be before we get to that point?”  I don’t know.  But I do know this, I (and we)  have not yet reached that point.  Thus, revival still tarries.  We must humbly ask the Lord to break our heart for what breaks His! 

The Blessings of Obedience

The Blessings of Obedience

“And these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt harken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.” (Deut. 28:2 KJV). 

In this passage of scripture, the Holy One was about to bring a new generation of His people into the land He had promised them.  The previous generation, their fathers,  had died wandering in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience and rebellion against God.  They had refused to believe God in spite of witnessing a  multitude of incredible and powerful miracles in addition to  His continual daily provision in a dry and barren land.  Their disobedience and rebellion were NOT just a one-time event.  It was the FINAL STRAW in a habitual and continual pattern of their unbelief and their unwillingness to trust the Lord (Numbers 14).

This new generation was on the threshold of realizing the fulfillment of what God had promised their fathers.  As they are about to enter in, He gave them both a promise and a warning concerning the next step they are about to take. 

The promise was that IF THEY OBEYED HIM they would experience the blessing of God in EVERY AREA of their life (Deut. 28:1-14).  They would be blessed (happy many times over) in their family, their crops, and their finances and they would be victorious over their enemies.  The warning was that IF THEY WALKED IN DISOBEDIENCE, then they would experience difficulty and hardship in every area of their life. 

The ultimate message was that they would experience joy and satisfaction in life if they obeyed the Lord.  Jesus emphasized this when He said:  “…I have come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 KJV). 

If we recognize that the Lord is our source for all that we need and we honor Him, trust Him, and obey Him then He has promised that we will have sufficiency in all things. This is NOT a prosperity gospel.  Rather it is merely the EXTRA benefit that the Lord pours out upon those who have received His great salvation and who genuinely value that gift by walking in love and obedience with Him. Knowing this, why would we want to do anything less? 

The Invitation

The Invitation


“And as he passed by, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the seat of custom, and said unto him, Follow me.  And he arose and followed him.” (Mark 2:14 KJV).  

The invitation Jesus extended to Matthew is the same he offers  to us: “Follow me.”   It is interesting to note that Jesus did not ask him to join the movement, or to join the group or to become a part of the cause.  His invitation was clear, direct, simple and yet profound:  “Follow me”.

That is the  essence of  the Christian life.  It is not just being a part of a movement or being part of a group or engaging in a cause.  It is simply “Following Him.”  He does not ask us to lead.  He does not ask us to take charge. He simply asks us to follow Him. We often complicate what it means to be Christian.  We sometimes offer others our own particular set of rules and regulations. Without realizing it, we want others to be conformed to us. We want others to conform to our church or to our particular tribe. When in reality, we are simply called to Follow Jesus. The amazing thing is that is that when we simply “Follow Him” He brings about amazing transformation!  In fact it is impossible to “Follow Jesus” and not be transformed.   

One of the reasons so few follow Jesus is because they still want to be in charge. They want to be in control. They want to lead. They do not want to follow. And they do not want to be transformed.  You see Following Jesus is the same as it has always been.  We must leave where we are in order to go to where He is.  We must leave where we are in order to arrive to where He is going.  

When Jesus invites us to follow, we each must make the choice.  Will we follow Him or not?  He does not drive us.  He does not coerce us.  He does not push us.  He simply asks us to come and follow Him. And if we choose to follow, He then supernaturally provides everything that is needed to do so.  

When Matthew accepted the invitation to follow Jesus, everything changed. His occupation changed. His walk changed. His status changed. His entire life changed. He would never be the same again. And some 2,000 years after he accepted the invitation, Matthew is still remembered as one who Followed Jesus!  Had he not followed, it is very likely that no one would even know who he is!  

Rev. James W. Black