“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29 NKJV
When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him, in that instant, the Holy Spirit revealed to him for the first time just who Jesus really was. Jesus was the promised Messiah! Jesus would indeed be the One who would take away the sin of the world! The Gentiles (non-Jews) who heard those words probably did not understand what John meant. The Jews did, at least in part. They knew that a lamb was the sacrifice for sin in the Temple. A sacrifice was made both morning and evening in the Temple each day. However, it is very unlikely that the Jews understood just how that statement applied to Jesus. After all, what did a lamb have to do with the Messiah? For the Jews, the Messiah would be the Conquering King! Certainly not a lamb!
It is also doubtful that neither John nor those who heard those words fully grasped the significance of that revelation. They did not understand just how Jesus would take away sin. That understanding would only come later; after the crucifixion and the resurrection. By that time, John the Baptist himself would no longer be alive on the earth. John would be alive in heaven, but he would not be alive on the earth. But even though he would not be here physically to see the fulfillment of the revelation, he would see it from his position in heaven! (Heb. 12:1-2).
Sometimes the Lord will give a word that will minister to us, excite us, encourage us, and fill us with hope. But the full revelation and realization of that word may not come until later; sometimes much later!
But when we experience the full revelation of that word, we discover that it is far bigger, fuller, and far more powerful than anything we could have imagined at the beginning. So keep believing the Word that the Holy One has given to you! When the fullness of that revelation comes you will be able to see the Lamb of God more clearly than ever before! You will magnify and glorify Him with overflowing joy! And at that moment, the wait will have been worth it!
Rev. James Black