The Nearness of God

The Nearness of God

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”
(Psalm 145:18 NKJ).

The holiness of God makes Him unapproachable.  But the mercy of God and the grace of God revealed through the blood of Jesus is an open invitation  to enter  into His Presence.  God  longs to reveal Himself unto us.  He longs to fellowship with us.  He longs to be near us.  He longs to be with us!

 The entire  Bible is the story of redemption and the revelation of God’s desire to be with  us.   Through sin everyone is separated  from God.  But through Jesus everyone can be  forgiven.  Everyone  can be restored.  Everyone can be made whole. Everyone  can have  fellowship with God.   Everyone can come into His Presence.  Everyone can  be near  Him!  It is an open invitation.  There are  no exceptions.  There are  no exclusions. 

Because He is Spirit, God  can be with each of us personally no matter where we are. We are limited, but He is unlimited.  We are finite but  He is infinite.  Our finite mind struggles to grasp the reality  that God can be everywhere all at the same time!  But the things that are impossible with men, are possible with God!  (Luke 18:27). 

The key to experiencing the nearness of God is to genuinely want it.   That is what is meant by the phrase “in truth.”   We genuinely and truly desire to know Him.
We genuinely and truly desire to be near Him.  We genuinely and truly repent and turn from our sin.  We genuinely  and truly come unto Him with an open and yielded heart. We genuinely and truly desire Him above everything else (Math. 6:33).  .  And when we do, we will find Him (Jer. 29:13).  In fact, we will discover that He has been there all along,  We just didn’t know it!  (Gen. 28:16).  He is not very far from any of us!  (Acts 17:27). 

James W. Black