Tag: purity

The Purity of God’s Word

The Purity of God’s Word

“Every word of God is pure; he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”
(Prov. 30:5 KJV). 

Hundreds of years ago, Agur, the son of Jakeh declared  that God’s Word its pure. 
The word  pure means tried, tested and flawless.  It is without blemish.  It is perfect.  It is complete.  Nothing else can or needs to be added.  It means that  God’s Word has been put to the test.  God’s Word has been tried and found to be  completely reliable and  dependable.  To  those who put their trust in Him!  God’s Word has never failed. It cannot fail because His Word is backed up by God Himself,  and God has never failed! 
(Deut. 7:9). 

Whatever God speaks and whatever God has spoken will come to pass.  If God has spoken it, we can trust what He has said with absolute confidence.  We cannot always say that about people.  And sadly that is true with some  who call themselves Christian. But what a joy it is to know that God and His Word can be trusted with absolute confidence.   

The difficulty we have sometimes is putting our trust in what God has spoken when we have not yet seen the manifestation of it.  We have not yet realized it!  Sometimes things happen immediately when we put our trust in God’s Word (like salvation which is instantaneous (Rom. 10:9-10).  Sometimes things happen after waiting and standing upon God’s Word over a long period of time  (Habakkuk 2:3).  But rest assured God will honor and manifest  His Word at just the right time (Gal. 4:4-5). 

When we learn to trust Him even for that which we have not yet seen (but we know that He has spoken it) our faith is strengthened and deepened.  And the Lord will honor us and defend us as we stand upon His Word (Daniel 3: 16-18).  The Lord declares in Prov. 30:5 that “he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”  The Lord will defend us against the doubt and unbelief of others.  We can live and stand upon God’s Word with absolute confidence!  His Word has been tried and tested and found to be absolutely pure!  What an awesome God we we serve!

James W. Black