“And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty.” (2 Cor. 6: 18 KJV).
Fatherlessness is of epidemic proportions in our nation. And we are reaping the consequences of it on multiple levels. Shattered homes and broken families have left a generation of children longing for affirmation, meaning, purpose, and direction in life. Mothers are vitally important to the family and we are thankful for them. But the heart of every child also deeply longs for the acceptance and love of a father.
Far too many have had fathers who have neglected them, abused them, abandoned them, or totally rejected them. Those wounds are deep. They scar a person for life. Studies have shown that a person’s view of their father also impacts their view of God.
Only Jesus can heal those deep wounds and set one free from the pain.
Everyone becomes fatherless at some point in life. Even those who have had good fathers, experience a deep sense of loss when their earthly father dies. There is a natural void that is left and there is always the longing to be able to see, hear and be with one’s father again. I can remember my 95-year-old mother-in-law talking one day about how she still missed her father who had passed away many years before.
Thankfully God the Father sees and understands the pain that the fatherless experience. In His grace and mercy, He freely and lovingly promises to be a “father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5). He offers Himself as the Father that our hearts have always longed for! He is in every way the Perfect Father!
His wisdom is infinite. His acceptance of us is total and complete. His love for us Is unconditional and beyond measure. His power is unlimited. His provision is inexhaustible. He teaches us. He guides us. He protects us. And He is always with us! He will never abandon us! Therefore, receive Him. Embrace Him. Walk with Him. For He is absolutely the best Father that anyone could possibly have! No one who receives Him will ever be fatherless again!
Rev. James W. Black