“And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” (Luke 24:31 ESV).
The reality the Jesus is evident to all those who want to see Him. He is revealed in and through the creation (Psalm 19:1, John 1:3, Col. 1:16). He is revealed in and through The Word of God (Heb. 4:12, Rom. 10:17). And He is revealed in and through the personal lives of those who have received His message of grace, forgiveness and salvation and have experienced the transforming power of His Spirit! (Rom. 8: 15-16).
Although Jesus is invisible (at the moment) to the natural eye, yet He is visible to us in the spirit and through the everyday events and circumstances of life. Jesus illustrated this by pointing out that the Holy Spirit is like the wind. We do not see or know how or where it originates or where it goes when it passes over us, but we can readily see and know what it does (John 3:8). The ability to recognize Jesus depends upon whether or nor we genuinely desire to see Him! All throughout scripture, the Lord revealed Himself to those who genuinely wanted to see. He did that for Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Daniel and He still reveals Himself today. Some revelations are dramatic, such as Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:2) and Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 1-6). The majority however are quiet and simple like those two disciples in Emmaus, who were having an ordinary meal with a stranger until their eyes were opened and they realized it was Jesus.
That is how Jesus most often reveals Himself to us today; in the simple, everyday, ordinary things of life. In those times, like the disciples in Emmaus, we may not immediately recognize Him at first. But when as we look more closely upon the moment, the event or the circumstances we have experienced our eyes are opened and we suddenly see Him . We see that He was there right in the midst of of it! He was operating and working in that situation all the time! That revelation is given to us by The Holy Spirit who opens our eyes and enables us to see! That is why those who do not know Him and those who have no interest in Him, never see Him. Jesus always hides Himself from those who do not care to see. But He is always revealing Himself to those who do! (Jer. 29:13).