In Romans 8:31, the Apostle Paul makes this powerful statement. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” That is the awesome message of the gospel! God is for us!’
All of us have people in our lives who, for whatever reason, do not like us. Some, particularly non-believers, can even be hostile to us.
But if God is for us and with us, no one can successfully stand against us or overcome us. That does not mean they will not try. They will. But because we are in Christ and Christ is in us we are “more than conquerors” (Rom. 8:37). We are already victorious because Christ Himself has already overcome all the powers of darkness; even the darkness that sometimes works through other people.
The power, strength, and victory are all in Him! Stand in Him and no one can successfully stand against you! For if they come against you, they are also coming against Christ Himself who is within you!