Outreach Training

Sept. 8th, OUTREACH TRAINING following the morning service for those interested in being a part of the OUTREACH TEAM.  We will meet in the large room behind the Sanctuary.  The

Ladies Bible Study – Women of the Bible

LADIES BIBLE STUDY, Sept. 17th - Oct. 22nd from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.  This will be a study on the Women of the Bible.  The class will meet in

Outreach – Conversation and a Cup of Hope

 OUTREACH!  It is time for us to minister OUTSIDE the four walls of our Fellowship. It is called CONVERSATION  &  A CUP OF HOPE!  We will be setting up a

Homecoming Replay – Heirborn

Missed it? Check out the video (recorded live): https://www.facebook.com/100064455558999/videos/1259471962158301  Sept. 22nd, HOMECOMING SERVICE during the morning service.  The Southern Gospel Group HEIRBORN will be ministering during the service. We will

Special Guest: Evangelist Andrew Cannon

   OCT. 13th, Evangelist Andrew Cannon, from England will be speaking during the morning service.  He has a powerful testimony.  He was radically saved from the deep pit of sin

Community-Wide Prayer Gathering

COMMUNITY WIDE PRAYER GATHERING, Sunday, Oct. 13th at 6 PM at New Covenant Church.   Please make plans to join with the Body of Christ in praying for a move of

Falling For Jesus

Save the date for a day of fellowship and fall fun! Falling for Jesus is our annual fall festival featuring a bouncy house, games, face painting, a hayride, and of

International Food and Fellowship

INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP on Saturday, Nov.9th at 5 PM.  Please bring your favorite international culinary dish!  It will be a time of fellowship as we share together from our

Christmas Parade Fundraiser

Stop by Anchor Ministries Hub on Stonewall Street and support the NCC Youth! We will offer BBQ sandwiches, fries, cookies, hot cocoa, and coffee. Plus, there will be live Christian

Ladies Christmas Party Potluck

LADIES CHRISTMAS PARTY from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a Potluck Fellowship. Bring whatever dishes you would like. Also please bring a pair

NCC Christmas Dinner

CHRISTMAS DINNER following the morning service. The church will provide the meat and drinks. Please bring side dishes and deserts. This will be a time of fellowship together. There will