Chip In For Summer Camp

May 5th, the Youth will be preparing lunch for the Congregation following the morning service. This will be a fundraising event for the Youth Ministry. Everyone is urged to stay

VBS 2024: GLOW

Join us for VBS 2024! Adults and kids will have tons of fun while learning about spreading the Light of God from Dr. Glowy! Lunch, games and prizes included!

Foundations of Deliverance

JESUS SAID DELIVERANCE IS THE CHILDREN's BREAD (Matt 15:26) This class will help you identify and address the root cause of unhealthy cycles in your life and the lives of

Back to School Party

July 31st, BACK TO SCHOOL PARTY FOR THE KIDS.  We will discontinue our regular Bible Study Classes that evening and have a special time of fun and fellowship with the

Prayer Walking The Schools

 August 11, from 4 - 5 PM The Body of Christ will be prayer-walking all of the schools in Bartow County.  This will be a drop-in pray and leave event.

New College & Career Class

Sept. 4th we will begin a College & Career Class on Wednesday Night for young adults who have finished High School and are starting college or beginning their career.   Kinsley

Outreach Training

Sept. 8th, OUTREACH TRAINING following the morning service for those interested in being a part of the OUTREACH TEAM.  We will meet in the large room behind the Sanctuary.  The

Ladies Bible Study – Women of the Bible

LADIES BIBLE STUDY, Sept. 17th - Oct. 22nd from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.  This will be a study on the Women of the Bible.  The class will meet in

Outreach – Conversation and a Cup of Hope

 OUTREACH!  It is time for us to minister OUTSIDE the four walls of our Fellowship. It is called CONVERSATION  &  A CUP OF HOPE!  We will be setting up a