Christmas Dinner

We will have a Fellowship Christmas Dinner following the morning service.  The church will provide the meat and drinks. Please bring side dishes and desserts.  We will NOT have an evening service that night.

Christmas Caroling

Christmas Caroling to our shut-ins.  We will meet at 5 PM.  We will plan to leave around 5:15.  We will NOT have our regular Wednesday Night Service that night. We will have a Chili Supper afterward at the church at 7 PM.  There is a signup sheet in the Foyer if you would like to participate. 

Church Business Meeting

We will hold a church business meeting immediately following the morning worship service.

Kitchen Crew Meeting

Meeting with the Wednesday Night Kitchen Crew at 5 PM.  This is for everyone who leads or helps with the Wednesday Night Meals or the Dinners throughout the year.  Purpose is to see what may be needed and to plan for the coming year.