September 21 @ 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT
OUTREACH! It is time for us to minister OUTSIDE the four walls of our Fellowship. It is called CONVERSATION & A CUP OF HOPE! We will be setting up a small tent in various parts of the community ONCE A MONTH to offer Conversation, Coffee and an opportunity to pray with hurting and lonely people. We need 3 to 4 Teams consisting of 2 to 3 people each.
We do need a man to be a part of each team. If you would like to be a part of the OUTREACH TEAM please see, call, or text the Pastor (770) 547-5391 or Baron Green (770) 773-6825. This will be a simple, easy, and non-threatening outreach. ANYONE can do it! If we have 3 or 4 teams, you would only have to serve about once ever three months. Our first Outreach will be on Saturday, Sept. 21st. Time to be announced.